
    PT.X-tra Solusindo Sukses is a national company, the company line of business includes provision of technical services such as supporting services for oil & gas sector from upstream to downstream, construction, marine and other related industries including provision of inspection and certification.


   Our quality improvement process is integrated into every aspect of our company to ensure quality products and services through innovative work procedures and processes. The Quality Assurance program contains and controls a comprehensive flow of work elements.


   In recognition of HSE values, the company is committed to perform consistent effort in making workplace a safe place. Continuous attention to the HSE performance and procedures compliance recognized and practiced in all level.

   Conscientious observance of all Client’s requirement and those requirements stipulated in the HSE regulations of the Indonesian Government.

   HSE objectives shall always have precedence over other objectives. All company’s activities shall be undertaken in a safe and environmentally responsible manner in order to achieve our company goal of having no accident, no harm people, no change to environment and increasing HSE awareness towards our people and subcontractors

The inspection and certification provides the following services :

A. Load & Pull Test
      - Lifting & Hoisting equipments  (Crane etc )
      - Davit Crane
      - Rescue/Life Boat
      - Spreader Bar / Beam
      - Pressure Vessel / Boiler
      - Container
      - Accommodation Ladder / Gangway
      - Separator
      - Sub-sea equipments (ROV & TMS)
      - Bollard Pull Test

B. Inspection & Certification or Re-Certification
      - Rigging/Lifting Gears
      - Welding Procedure (WPS) Qualification
      - QA/QC Surveillance and inspection
      - Coating Inspection
C. Non Destructive Testing (NDT)
      - Ultrasonic Testing
      - Magnetic Particle Testing
      - Liquid Penetrant Testing
      - Eddy Current Testing
      - Hardness Testing
      - Leak Testing
      - Hydro Test

D. Confined Space Inspection / Gas Free Inspection
E. Our Equipments or Rental Services
    -Loadcell, start from 5,15,25,50,125,200 & 300 ton
      - Gas Detector (BW-Max-XT II) 4 in 1 indicator (LEL,O2,H2S & CO)
      - Bolster/Pillow Bag each 350 Kgs (this is suitable for Load Test        
        Rescue/Life Boat)
      - Hand Jack capacity 30 ton,50 ton & 100 ton for Pull Test Pad Eyes /  
        Lifting Point
      - Certified various kind rigging gears
      - AC/DC Yoke
      - UT Flaw set
      - Hardness tester
      - Hydrotest accessories
      - Eddy current flaw detector (Olympus)

F.  Our Customer
      - PT. Rig Tenders Indonesia Tbk
      - PT. Supraco Indonesia
      - Jan De Nul & Idros Service
      - Timas
      - Norshore
      - Seascape Surveys
      - Marcopolo Shipyard
      - Expro PTI
      - United Global Force
      - Formshore
      - Soutern Tristar
      - Shanghai Zhixian Transportation Shipping Co Ltd & etc


Our Team

Heru Gunawan



Email : heru@xtrasolusindo.com
Mobile : (+62)812-70686894 / 8117713391




Email : badar@xtrasolusindo.com
Mobile : (+62)811777606 / 82174642606